2022 Sweet Adeline of the Year
· Her musical experience in other courses, and also many positions that she has held and experience in being an assistant Director and advising the Director has been extremely helpful and I do not think that we could’ve gotten where we are today without her!
· We were down to nine members at the end of April and she jumped in and quickly volunteered to be our Assistant Director.
· She is one of the main reasons our sound is getting so much better every week.
· Her warmups are so amazing!
· She assists Kenny so much so our chorus always runs smoothly.
· She gets our music for us and makes sure Janet gets it promptly for posting.
· She is our liaison for all our coaching dates.
· She stepped up and took over heading up the chorus makeup.
· She's also a tremendous addition to our Bass Section.
· She also sang Bass in Good News Quartet in 2022, and Southern Sapphire in 2023
2021 KTS Sweet Adeline of the Year
As Treasurer and member of the Board she has worked hard tracking all of the funds for the chorus. She keeps our events page up to date and keeps the chorus informed via email communication. She is always on top of everything and wants to get things done.
2020 KTS Sweet Adeline of the Year
Cathy gives all our new members such a warm welcome when they visit. She follows up to let them know they are wanted in our group and encourages them to keep coming. She has also done several TV spots to let people know about our chorus to grow our membership.
2010 - 2022 Former Master 500 Director
K-Town Sound was incredibly proud and blessed to have Kellie Phifer as our original director. Kellie joined Sweet Adeline's in 1993, and has devoted her time and talents to mastering the art of Barbershop, including Master 500 director with K-Town Sound at 2019 Region 4 Contest. She continues to sing in medal winning quartets and choruses to this day,
2019 KTS Sweet Adeline of the Year

Janet always gives her 110% to the chorus and has been our very successful Singing Valentines coordinator for several years.
2018 KTS Sweet Adeline of the Year
For her tireless efforts of getting us singing "gigs." Congratulations Valerie!
2015 KTS Sweet Adeline of the Year
First K-Town Sound award for Sweet Adeline of the Year.
2011 Chorus Star Award

At the 2011 Region 23 Summer Singsation event, Donna Carnduff was awarded the Chorus Star Award for her dedication and work with K-Town Sound Show Chorus.